Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

from manga Hunter X Hunter

kali ini saya mempostingkan beberapa quote dari manga Hunter X Hunter .
pasti agan agan semua sudah tau manga Hunter X Hunter ini .
jadi saya mengambil beberapa quote nya mungkin ini akan menginspirasi agan agan semua disini

naah check it out !!

Qoutes: Silva Zaoldyeck From Hunter X Hunter

Jangan berlebihan melakukan itu...! Jangan bergerak sampai kamu yakin 100% kamu bisa terbunuh...!! Di posisi kita yg paling penting adalah menunggu...

Qoutes: kilua from hunter x hunter

Saya ingin berteman dengan Gon…Aku muak membunuh orang…Saya hanya ingin berteman dengan Gon…Dan mencoba untuk hidup normal

Qoutes: Leorio From Hunter x Hunter

meskipun dalam hati aku mengerti, Tapi aku bisa mengerti, betapa
sulitnya bagimu untuk tetap tenang, saat musuh terbesarmu berada di depan matamu.Tapi bagaimanapun, aku tetap harus menenangkannya


Qoutes: Kuroro Lucifer From Hunter X HUnter

Dalam Ryodan ...
Aku akan menjadi otaknya, sementara kalian
tubuhnya....Peraturan utamanya adalah tubuh mengikuti
perintah dari otak, tapi ...Itu tak terikat oleh hidup dan mati. Sebagai contoh,
kalau aku mati, seseorang bisa dengan mudah menggantikanku. Tergantung kondisinya, kaki laba-laba kadang lebih penting dari kepalanya. Tapi, jangan salah paham. Perintahku adalah prioritas utama, tapi melindungi diriku bukanlah prioritas. Aku juga bagian dari Ryodan, apa yang penting
bukanlah aku hidup, tetapi Laba-laba hidup, jangan lupakan itu

Qoutes: kurapika From Hunter X Hunter

Gon, itu sebagai ucapan terimakasih untuk kalian semua, untuk keteguhan hati yang kalian perlihatkan padaku. Dan kalaupun rahasiaku terbongkar, aku tak akan pernah menyesal. Karena, aku tahu aku memiliki teman sejati"

Qoutes: Gon Freecss From Hunter x Hunter

“Saya tidak peduli apa yg anda pikirkan! Killua adalah teman saya. Aku akan membawanya bersamaku.”

Qoutes: leorio From Hunter x hunter

Killua! Saya tidak peduli apakah dia kakakmu. Dia tidak lebih benar daripada omong kosong! Jangan dengarkan dia! Kalahkan saja omong kosong dia dan kamu bisa menjadi seperti biasanya! Kamu ingin menjadi temannya Gon? Apakah kamu gila? KAU BAHKAN SUDAH BERSAHABAT!!! Aku yakin itulah yg dirasakan Gon!

nah mungkin ini cukup untuk menginspirasi agan agan semuaa .
cheers ^_^

quote from manga crows x worst and other of takahashi hiroshi

"it's true that this school houses the worst bastards and retards, and that anyone who looks at this school from outside thinks it's a dump.. But being the worst is.. Awesome"

- Tsukishima Hana

"it doesn't matter that you want to become strong! There's no need to compare yourself to them! The others are themselves and you are yourself! The answer to your life are all within you!!"
- Umeoshi Masashi

"fighting and martial arts are two different things."
- Serizawa Tamao

"i only fight with people that look stronger than me! Else i can't burn!"
- Katou Hideyoshi

"i'm neither a delinquent nor a villain, though i'm hardly what you would call an ally of justice either"
- Harumichi Bouya

"feeling discomfort in a fight means you have no freedom to do anything.."
- Yonezaki

"you can't be a man if you make your mother cry"
- Mashima Hanegawa

"if we've got our minds set on something, nothing's impossible for us!!"
- Yonezaki

"a man who doesn't know defeat can never understand the true meaning of victory! There are some things that can only be obtained through defeat!"
- Ono Teruki

"real man don't look for control,just good fights"
- Kuwahara

"i'm not like you guys.. I'm bad but I'm not rotten"
- Yonezaki

"sometimes you have to fight, even though you're going to lose.."
- Yasuda Yasuo

"if you're going to fight, make sure you have a good reason to do so! The more useless shitty battle you fight, the more of useless shitty man you'll become!"
- Ueda Hidetora

"those who don't understand people feel, who don't even try to understand, those are the real stupid assholes"  
- Sasaki Haru

"only brats throw in a window and then runaway, you should at least take responsibility for your actions"
- Tsukishima Hana

"The world is larger than you think and there are
really amazing people in it"
- Ogawa Chiharu

"Instead of worrying about stuff that doesn't matter, make some friends. Not like the hundred soldiers that deserted you, just one. One friend that be willing to spill blood with you!"
- Bouya Harumichi

"If you lock yourself away in a room, then nothing would happen to you, but... that's just not our way. Which is why we find ourselves in all kinds of shit"
- Bouya Harumichi

"You might be skeptical about the world and think everyone around you is an enemy.. but it's guys like you that make it look like that in first place.. If you don't realize that real soon, you're gonna lose sight of things that are really important to you"
- Kawachi Tesshou

"Being friends doesn't mean you have to be with them every single day and it's not like you're the strangers to each other just because you're separated"
- Yasushi Umehoshi

"work till you sweat! play till you sweat! you can't favor one over the other. do both with all your heart! don't worry,you're still young so even if you don't sleep for 2 or 3 days you wont die"

- Masashi Umehoshi

"keep your promises even if you'll die! if u ask me "doesnt part of you think you like a moron for keeping a promise?",i'll just answer "i think of myself with pride more than a fool for keeping a promise!""
- Kiyohiro

"You never will. Just like you beat serizawa. there's always someone new. That's Suzuran. You fight and fight... and then you graduate. Conquest is just a dream."
- Hayashida Megumi

"What's so bad about losing?! To me, instead of a strong guy who's always making enemies, I think you'd be better suited as a big guy who's always making friends"
- Ueda Hidetora

"Pulling out a knife in a fight means you're ready to both kill and get killed, it also means that you can't start crying just because someone gave you a new ear piercing"
- Ishida Kotori

"you mean you want people to like you or something? you shouldn't think about stuff like that. people will always be people, and you'll always be you. there's nothing you can do to change that. you should just believe in yourself the way you are and keep moving forward just like that! that way , i'm sure you'll find your path eventually!"
- Tsukishima Hana

"you must take your chance from your anger, cause that's not enough good for you. Think before you act, do not do without knowing your goal."
- Hideo Takiya

"Bastards like us only make a stand when one of three things is on the line: our freedom, our women, or our families."
- Murata Shougo Head of the 7th generation of The Armament

someone who wants to be the top can not just smart, or because a great fighter, the person who takes even more qualities, qualities that attract everyone.
like when we were little kids who no longer follows the life of the power or money, and said "come with me"
leader is someone who has charm and one day realize that all people call him "leader."
- Hiromi Kirishima

maaf kalo quote yang tidak memakai pic , maklum lah masih newbie ane sobat :D

first blog

ini blog pertama saya maaf kalo tidak enak diliat haha :D

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